Betaloc 1 mg/ml Solution for Injection
Recordati Ireland LimitedStatus:
No Recent UpdateLegal Category:
Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)Active Ingredient(s):
*Additional information is available within the SPC or upon request to the company

Updated on 19 February 2024
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 6.3 - Shelf life
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
6.3 Shelf life
Unopened pack: 5 years.
The product should be used immediately after opening.
10. Date of revision of the text
February 2024
Updated on 19 February 2024
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change to storage instructions
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
6.3 Shelf life
Unopened pack: 5 years.
The product should be used immediately after opening.
This leaflet was last revised in February 2024
Updated on 17 February 2023
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 6 - manufacturer
Updated on 17 February 2023
File name
Reasons for updating
- Document format updated
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 27 March 2020
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 2 - excipient warnings
- Change to section 4 - how to report a side effect
- Change to information for healthcare professionals
- Change to improve clarity and readability
Updated on 27 March 2020
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change due to harmonisation of SPC
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 22 May 2019
File name
1.3.1 leaflet-ie.pdf
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 6 - marketing authorisation holder
Updated on 22 May 2019
File name
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 7 - Marketing authorisation holder
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 11 April 2017
Reasons for updating
- New SPC for new product
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 11 April 2017
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 2 - Qualitative and quantitative composition
- Change to section 4.2 - Posology and method of administration
- Change to section 4.4 - Special warnings and precautions for use
- Change to section 4.6 - Pregnancy and lactation
- Change to section 5.1 - Pharmacodynamic properties
- Change to section 9 - Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Section 2- Editorial changes to bring in line with QRD template
Section 4.2- Editorial changes to bring in line with QRD template
Section 4.4- correction in spelling of haemodynamic
Section 4.6 Editorial changes to bring in line with QRD template
Section 5.1 Correction in spelling of pharmacotherapeutic
Section 9 Editorial changes to bring in line with QRD template
Section 10 Change to revision date
Updated on 10 April 2017
File name
Reasons for updating
- New PIL for new product
Updated on 10 April 2017
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 4 - how to report a side effect
- Change to section 6 - date of revision
- Correction of spelling/typing errors
- Improved presentation of PIL
Updated on 28 October 2014
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 4.6 - Pregnancy and lactation
- Change to section 4.8 - Undesirable effects
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
- Improved electronic presentation
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
- QRD update – editorial changes to number of sections in the SmPC
- Section 4.6 updated in line with QRD template, addition of following: ‘In general, beta-blockers reduce placental perfusion, which has been associated has been associated with growth retardation, intrauterine death, abortion and early labour. It is therefore suggested that appropriate maternofoetal monitoring be performed in pregnant women treated with Betaloc’
-section 4.8 ADR wording updated with correct address for HPRA
-section 10 updated date of revision
Updated on 27 October 2014
Reasons for updating
- Change to information about pregnancy or lactation
- Change to date of revision
- Improved electronic presentation
Updated on 15 November 2013
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 4.3 - Contraindications
- Change to Section 4.8 – Undesirable effects - how to report a side effect
- Change to section 4.9 - Overdose
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Section 4.3 addition of ‘unless a permanent pacemaker is in place’ after sick sinus syndrome and formatting changes
Section 4.8 Addition of adverse event reporting statement
Section 4.9 Amendment to symptoms and management text for overdose
Section 10 – Update to "Date of Revision"
Updated on 13 November 2013
Reasons for updating
- Change to date of revision
- Addition of information on reporting a side effect.
Updated on 07 December 2010
Reasons for updating
- Correction of spelling/typing errors
Updated on 09 July 2010
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 2 - Qualitative and quantitative composition
- Change to section 4.4 - Special warnings and precautions for use
- Change to section 4.9 - Overdose
- Change to section 6.2 - Incompatibilities
- Change to section 6.6 - Special precautions for disposal and other handling
- Change to section 9 - Date of renewal of authorisation
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Section 2
Additional text:
Each ml of solution contains metoprolol tartrate 1 mg. Each ampoule contains 5 mg/5 ml metoprolol tartrate.
Each ml of solution contains 3.6 mg sodium, as sodium chloride. Each 5 ml ampoule contains 17.8 mg sodium, as sodium chloride.
Section 4.4
Additional text 2nd bullet point:
Acute initiation of high-dose metoprolol to patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery should be avoided, since it has been associated with bradycardia, hypotension and stroke including fatal outcome in patients with cardiovascular risk factors.
Section 4.9
Change of text to whole of section:
The symptoms of overdose may include bradycardia, hypotension, acute cardiac insufficiency and bronchospasm.
General treatment should include:
Close supervision, treatment in an intensive care ward and the use of plasma or plasma substitutes to treat hypotension and shock.
Excessive bradycardia can be countered with atropine 1-2 mg intravenously and/or a cardiac pacemaker. If necessary, this may be followed by a bolus dose of glucagon 10 mg intravenously. If required, this may be repeated or followed by an intravenous infusion of glucagon 1-10 mg/hour depending on response. If no response to glucagon occurs or if glucagon is unavailable, a beta adrenoceptor stimulant such as dobutamine 2.5 to 10 micrograms/kg/minute by intravenous infusion may be given.
Dobutamine, because of its positive inotropic effect could also be used to treat hypotension and acute cardiac insufficiency. It is likely that these doses would be inadequate to reverse the cardiac effects of beta blockade if a large overdose has been taken. The dose of dobutamine should therefore be increased if necessary to achieve the required response according to the clinical condition of the patient.
Administration of calcium ions may also be considered. Bronchospasm can usually be reversed by bronchodilators.
Section 6.2
Change of text to section:
In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.
Section 6.6
Change of text to section:
For single use only. Discard any unused contents.
Section 9
Renewal authorisation:
2nd May 2008
Section 10
New revision date of text: 19th May 2010
Updated on 07 July 2010
Reasons for updating
- Change to storage instructions
Updated on 06 February 2007
Reasons for updating
- Change to side-effects
- Change from the BAN of the active substance to the rINN
Updated on 01 February 2007
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 4.5 - Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
- Change to section 4.8 - Undesirable effects
- Change to section 4.9 - Overdose
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Updated on 31 January 2007
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 4.5 - Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
- Change to section 4.9 - Overdose
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company
Section 4.5- 6th & 7th paragraph
Current Text:
The administration of adrenaline to patients undergoing beta‑blockade can result in an increase in blood pressure and bradycardia although this is less likely to occur with beta1‑selective drugs.
Betaloc Injection may impair the elimination of lignocaine
New Text:
The administration of adrenaline (epinephrine) to patients undergoing beta‑blockade can result in an increase in blood pressure and bradycardia although this is less likely to occur with beta1‑selective drugs.
Section 10: New revision of text date; 12th September 2006
Updated on 09 December 2005
Reasons for updating
- Change to warnings or special precautions for use
- Change to instructions about missed dose
- Change to storage instructions
- Change to side-effects
- Change to drug interactions
- Change to information about driving or using machinery
- Change to further information section
- Change to date of revision
- Change to dosage and administration
Updated on 23 November 2005
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 1 - Name of medicinal product
- Change to section 2 - Qualitative and quantitative composition
- Change to section 3 - Pharmaceutical form
- Change to section 4.2 - Posology and method of administration
- Change to section 4.3 - Contraindications
- Change to section 4.4 - Special warnings and precautions for use
- Change to section 4.5 - Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
- Change to section 4.6 - Pregnancy and lactation
- Change to section 4.7 - Effects on ability to drive and use machines
- Change to section 4.8 - Undesirable effects
- Change to section 4.9 - Overdose
- Change to section 5.2 - Pharmacokinetic properties
- Change to section 6.2 - Incompatibilities
- Change to section 6.4 - Special precautions for storage
- Change to section 6.5 - Nature and contents of container
- Change to section 6.6 - Special precautions for disposal and other handling
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 25 January 2005
Reasons for updating
- Change to date of revision
Updated on 24 September 2004
Reasons for updating
- Change to section 6.4 - Special precautions for storage
- Change to section 6.5 - Nature and contents of container
- Change to section 10 - Date of revision of the text
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Updated on 09 August 2004
Reasons for updating
- New PIL for
Updated on 21 May 2003
Reasons for updating
- New SPC for
Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
Recordati Ireland Limited

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