Siklos 100 mg film-coated tablets

Pharmacy Only: Prescription
  • Company:

  • Status:

    No Recent Update
  • Legal Category:

    Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)
  • Active Ingredient(s):

    *Additional information is available within the SPC or upon request to the company

File name

TH-SIKRMP03IE_Dosing sheet.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company

Update due to transfer of the Marketing Authorisation to THERAVIA

File name

TH-SIKRMP01IE_Physician guide.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company

Update due to transfer of the Marketing Authorisation to THERAVIA

File name

TH-SIKRMP02IE_Patient guide.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

Free text change information supplied by the pharmaceutical company

Update due to transfer of the Marketing Authorisation to THERAVIA

Updated on 28 August 2023

File name

2023-07-26 SPC Siklos 100 and 1000 mg film-coated tablets.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Change to section 7 - Marketing authorisation holder

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)

Updated on 28 August 2023

File name

2023-07-26 PIL Siklos 100 and 1000 mg film-coated tablets.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Change to section 6 - marketing authorisation holder

Updated on 24 May 2022

File name

SPC-05-EN appendix V + date (

Reasons for updating

  • Change to section 5.1 - Pharmacodynamic properties

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)

File name

SIKRMP39IE Dosing sheet version 02.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

File name

SIKRMP37IE Physician guide version 04.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

File name

SIKRMP38IE Patient guide version 04.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

Updated on 23 December 2021

File name

SPC-04-EN appendix V IE + date.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New SPC for

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)

Updated on 02 September 2021

File name

SPC-03-EN appendix V x date Ireland.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New SPC for

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)

Updated on 02 September 2021

File name

PL-03-EN appendix V Ireland.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New PIL for

File name

SIKRMP30IE-Dosing sheet.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Add New Doc

File name

SIKRMP32IE-Physician Guide.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

File name

SIKRMP31IE-Patient Guide.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Replace File

Updated on 07 September 2020

File name

SPC-02-EN_dated-Appendix V Ireland.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New SPC for

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)

Updated on 07 September 2020

File name

PL-02-EN_dated-appendixV Ireland.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New PIL for

Updated on 13 September 2019

File name


Reasons for updating

  • Change to section 5 - how to store or dispose
  • Change to section 6 - date of revision

File name

SIKRMP18IE-Patient guide-Vfinale.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Add New Doc

File name

SIKRMP19IE-Physician guide-VFinal.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • Add New Doc

Updated on 16 July 2019

File name

SIKRMP20IE-Notice 12.2018.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New PIL for new product

Updated on 16 July 2019

File name

SIKRMP21IE-RCP Juin 2018.pdf

Reasons for updating

  • New SPC for new product

Legal category:Product subject to medical prescription which may not be renewed (A)